Trugolf Apogee Overhead Model

Stunning sleek design, high-end performance

The Apogee is a sleek overhead launch monitor that delivers instant feedback on ball flight and club data, plus slow-motion analysis for a precise and detailed golfing experience. With its unparalleled INSTANT IMAGE impact analysis technology, you’ll be able to refine your technique and gain swing consistency with every shot. The voice-activated controls make it a breeze to use, and its advanced Instant Impact algorithms ensure there’s no lag between your swing and the simulated ball flight. Plus, the Laser Launch Pad guarantees spot-on ball placement, capturing every shot with total accuracy. It’s a premium option, but its performance and ease of use make it worth it.




021 390 944


021 731 786

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Apogee overhead launch monitorTrugolf Apogee Overhead Model
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